The team behind Cloud BS

Cloud BS was founded by Taloflow. We help developers pick cloud vendors based on their use case.

Companies publish a lot of BS about their products. We test tools, or work alongside community members who test tools.

We then deliver content that highlights practical drawbacks for implementing the technology.

If you think we missed something, we include a way to contact us. We are happy to discuss our reasoning in public or private forums.

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You can suggest us content by emailing Austin. He’s the one who reviews new content ideas and manages the leaderboard.

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Tweet us. Let's argue.

Transparency guarantee

All claims are independently verifieable.

All opinions are stated as such.

Cloud BS or its Authors will never take money from a vendor to write, promote or test their claims.


This site is built with Hugo, Tailwind, React, Vite, Go Chi to name a few.